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Mass Shackling - Paladin

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Skill 404.jpgMass Shackling
Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds.
Class Paladin
Type debuff
Attribute -
Recast time 30 s
Cast time 2 s
Cast range 0
Classes with same skill Paladin, Phoenix Knight, Sigel Phoenix Knight

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
58 1 Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. 40 0 154
62 2 Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. 43 0 266
66 3 Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. 46 0 406
70 4 Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. 49 0 940
74 5 Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. 51 0 1428