  • Clan Halls

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    Клан - обители кланов.jpg

    In Lineage 2, there are special building for clans: clan halls. Clan halls give the owning clan some useful benefits. There are 2 types of clan halls: auctionable and contestable. A clan can own only 1 hall at the same time.

    Types of Clan halls

    Halls available via auction

    Auctionable clan halls can be found in any big township, excluding starting villages, Oren and Heine. Any clan can purchase a hall via auction if they can afford it. However the clan needs to have level 4 or higher to participate in the auction. The table below shows the grades of clan halls in townships:

    Location Grade List of clan halls
    Gludin Village B Crystal Hall, Onyx Hall, Sapphire Hall, Moonstone Hall, Emerald Hall
    Town of Gludio B Moonstone Hall, Crystal Hall,, Topaz Hall, Ruby Hall
    Near the Town of Gludio B Emerald Hall, Crystal Hall, Sapphire Hall, Aquamarine Hall
    Town of Dion B Atramental Barracks, Scarlet Barracks, Viridian Barracks
    Near the Town of Dion B Blue Barracks, Brown Barracks, Yellow Barracks, White Barracks
    Near Floran Village A Black Barracks, Green Barracks
    Town of Giran A Golden Chamber, Silver Chamber, Mithril Chamber, Bronze Chamber, Silver Manor
    Town of Aden A Golden Chamber, Silver Chamber, Mithril Chamber, Silver Manor, Gold Manor, Bronze Chamber
    Town of Goddard A Moonstone Hall, Onyx Hall, Emerald Hall, Sapphire Hall
    Rune Township A Mont Chamber, Astaire Chamber, Aria Chamber, Yiana Chamber, Roien Chamber, Luna Chamber, Traban Chamber
    Town of Schuttgart B Eisen Hall, Heavy Metal Hall, Molten Ore Hall, Titan Hall

    Provisional Clan Halls

    Provisional clan halls, such as Orchid Hall, Ellia Hall and Laurell Hall, are rented for a certain fee for 4 weeks, and then it's over. Provisional clan halls can be purchased via Auctioneer NPCs in any township (every 2 weeks from 0:00 on Saturday till 8:50 p.m. on Sunday). There are many provisional clan halls, however, the amount of clans on any server is higher, so the winners are chosen at random from the applicants list.

    Type Name Amount Clan lvl Rent
    Common Orchid Hall 120 5 and higher Adena.jpg 20,000,000 adena
    Upgraded Ellia Hall 40 5 and higher Adena.jpg 40,000,000 adena
    Laurell Hall 40 8 and higher Adena.jpg 50,000,000 adena

    Contestable Halls

    Some clan halls come into players’ possession only once they're conquered. Just like clan halls available via purchase, they are used for making items, teleportation, casting auras etc. A clan cannot own a contestable clan hall, if they own a castle (but this rule does not apply to Wild Beast Reserve.

    Contestable hall Hall grade Siege time Clan lvl Amount of attackers Territories NPC
    Devastated Castle A Fri 9:00 p.m. 5 and higher up to 14 ppl Aden Territory Loken
    Fortress of the Dead A Thu 9:00 p.m. 5 and higher up to 14 ppl Rune Territory Jacquard
    Fortress of Resistance A Fri 9:00 p.m. 5 and higher up to 14 ppl Dion Territory Brakel
    Rainbow Springs Chateau B Thu 8 p.m. 5 and higher 5-7 ppl Goddard Territory Herald
    Wild Beast Reserve B Thu 8 p.m. 5 and higher up to 14 ppl Rune Territory Herald
    Bandit Stronghold B Fri 8 p.m. 5 and higher up to 14 ppl Oren Territory Herald

    Buying and selling clan halls

    Buying Clan Halls

    In each township you can find an Auctioneer. She will give you info about clan halls available for purchasing; you can also make your bid. The clan with the highest bid gets the hall. In the course of the auction you can see if any other clan is bidding for the hall however you cannot see the exact bid.

    on the auction
    Bidding The Adena for bidding should be placed onto your clan warehouse. When you make your bid, the Adena is taken and placed to the auction. Max bid is 99,000,000,000 Adena.
    Rebidding Every following bid should be higher than the previous one.
    Bid canceling You can cancel your bid before the auction is over by talking to and Auctioneer but it will cost you 10% from your bid. The remaining Adena will be returned to your clan warehouse If your clan loses the auction, 100% of your bid is returned to your clan warehouse.

    Selling Clan Halls

    Clan leaders may put their clan hall up for auction through the Auctioneer. They can set the timeframe of the auction (1, 3 or 7 days) and the min bid for their hall.

    on the auction
    Returning a hall For using a clan hall purchased on the auction you need to pay a weekly fee. The fee is deducted from your clan warehouse. If your clan doesn't have enough Adena, you have 7 days tp pay off the debt. If you clan cannot pay for the hall, you lose it, and the hall goes back to the auction.
    Ending the auction If the clan breaks up before the end of an auction period for their clan hall, the auction will continue, but the proceeds and deposit from selling the clan hall cannot be received.

    If no clan participates in an auction, the clan hall is returned to the owners, but their deposit is not returned.

    If a clan successfully sells a clan hall, the clan leader will receive a message. The highest bid, minus taxes, is placed in the selling clan's warehouse, along with the deposit. The highest bid for the hall (a small tax is deducted) goes back to the clan warehouse together with the deposit.

    The clan leader can cancel the auction during the set time, but the deposit is not returned and they cannot set up another auction for seven days.

    When a clan hall does not have an owner, or has not been maintained sufficiently, it will be set up automatically for a seven-day auction period.

    Clan Hall functions

    Clan Hall main functions

    In every clan hall there's a special NPC who activates different functions for a fee. You can also talk to the NPC to learn about the day when you need to pay the rent or to use the clan warehouse.

    Available functions in different types of clan halls:

    Function Description Contestable hall Auctionable hall Provisional hall
    Teleport Allows to teleport to the nearest hinting zones or townships + + -
    HP Recovery HP recovery for clan members on the territory of the hall + + +
    MP Recovery MP recovery for clan members on the territory of the hall + + +
    XP restoration at resurrection When a clan member resurrects inside the hall, some XP is restored + + +
    Craft items Allows to buy unique items from the NPC + + +
    Decorations Make you clan hall look nicer - + -

    List of items which can be crafted in a hall:

    Item Cost
    Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Item 57.jpg 110,000 adena + castle tax
    Clan Cloak - Clan Hall (Auction) Clan Cloak - Clan Hall (Auction) Item 57.jpg 5,500,000 adena + castle tax
    Deluxe Strider Food Deluxe Strider Food Item 57.jpg 330 adena + castle tax
    Giant's Energy Giant's Energy Item 57.jpg 5,500,000 adena + castle tax
    Pet Coupon: Cougar Pet Coupon: Cougar Item 57.jpg 550,000 adena + castle tax
    Pledge Shield Pledge Shield Item 57.jpg 2,178 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Bloody Swampland Scroll of Escape: Bloody Swampland Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Item 57.jpg 550 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Giran Scroll of Escape: Giran Item 57.jpg 38,500 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Guillotine Fortress Scroll of Escape: Guillotine Fortress Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Isle of Souls Harbor Scroll of Escape: Isle of Souls Harbor Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Parnassus Scroll of Escape: Parnassus Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Ruins of Ye Sagira Scroll of Escape: Ruins of Ye Sagira Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Rune Scroll of Escape: Rune Item 57.jpg 38,500 adena + castle tax
    Scroll of Escape: Seal of Shillien Scroll of Escape: Seal of Shillien Item 57.jpg 165,000 adena + castle tax

    • The available scrolls of escape are different depending on the location of the hall.

    At deactivation, hall features are non-refundable. The price and possible values of features of restoration and decoration in clan halls:

    Clan hall items %/levels of functions Price (without tax) Period
    Fireplace (HP recovery) 200%
    Adena.jpg 20,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 30,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 50,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 210,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 300,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    1 day.
    3 days.
    3 days.
    Carpet (MP recovery) 500%
    Adena.jpg 50,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 100,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 600,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 900,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    3 days.
    3 days.
    Chandelier (XP recovery) 35%
    Adena.jpg 70,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 90,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 110,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 420,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    3 days.
    3 days.
    Curtain (decoration) lvl 1.
    lvl 2.
    Adena.jpg 20,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 25,000 adena
    7 days.
    7 days.
    Foyer (decoration) lvl 1.
    lvl 2.
    Adena.jpg 23,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 70,000 adena
    7 days.
    7 days.

    Clan hall items %/levels of functions Price (without tax) Period
    Fireplace (HP recovery) 200%
    Adena.jpg 20,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 35,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 165,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 225,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    1 day.
    3 days.
    3 days.
    Carpet (MP recovery) 500%
    Adena.jpg 50,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 100,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 600,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    3 days.
    Chandelier (XP recovery) 25%
    Adena.jpg 50,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 70,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 90,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 360,000 adena
    1 day.
    1 day.
    1 days.
    3 days.
    Curtain (decoration) lvl 1.
    lvl 2.
    Adena.jpg 20,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 25,000 adena
    7 days
    7 days
    Foyer (decoration) lvl 1.
    lvl 2.
    Adena.jpg 23,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 70,000 adena
    7 days
    7 days

    Clan hall items %/levels of functions Price (without tax) Period
    HP restoration 350% The function is activated when a clan hall is purchased 28 days.
    MP restoration 500% The function is activated when a clan hall is purchased 28 days.
    XP restoration 70% The function is activated when a clan hall is purchased 28 days.

    Clan hall items %/levels of functions Price (without tax) Period
    HP restoration device 1100%
    Adena.jpg 770,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 1,050,000 adena
    7 days.
    7 days.
    MP restoration device 3500%
    Adena.jpg 2,450,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 3,500,000 adena
    7 days.
    7 days.
    XP restoration device 60%
    Adena.jpg 840,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 980,000 adena
    7 days.
    7 days.
    Teleport lvl 1
    lvl 2
    Adena.jpg 2,800,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 3,500,000 adena
    7 days
    7 days
    Crafting items lvl 1 Adena.jpg 4,900,000 adena 7 days.

    Clan hall items %/levels of functions Price (without tax) Period
    HP restoration device 1100% Adena.jpg 770,000 adena 7 days.
    MP restoration device 3500% Adena.jpg 2,450,000 adena 7 days.
    XP restoration device 60% Adena.jpg 840,000 adena 7 days.
    Teleport lvl 1
    lvl 2
    Adena.jpg 2,800,000 adena
    Adena.jpg 3,500,000 adena
    7 days
    7 days
    Crafting items lvl 1 Adena.jpg 4,900,000 adena 7 days.

    Experts and envoys

    Talk to you Clan Hall Manager to add experts and envoys for 7 days. It is free. They give quests for their Factions. If you complete such quests, you'll get Medals required to hire experts. Experts are placed for a certain fee and they offer different abilities. You cannot change the envoy and the experts before the period of 7 days is over. In auctionable and provisional clan halls you can hire 1 expert, in contestable clan halls you can hire 2 experts. You can place only one envoy at the same time.

    Function Type Level Castle Fortress Contestable hall Auctionable hall Provisional hall
    Faction Envoy Lvl 1 + + + + +
    Magic Caster Lvl 1 + + + + +
    Lvl 2 + + + + -
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 1 + + + + +
    Lvl 2 + + + + -
    Guardian Sculpture Lvl 1 + + + + +
    Lvl 2 + + + + -
    Items Trader Lvl 1 + + + + -
    Lvl 2 + + + + -
    Chef Lvl 1 + + + + +
    Lvl 2 + + + + -

    See also:

    Faction Experts and envoys Services Price (without tax)
    Blackbird Clan Blackbird Clan Envoy Deborah Blackbird Clan - quests:
    Request from the Blackbird Clan
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 1 For 60 min. P. Atk. +2%, M. Atk. +3%, Dark Resistance +30 Blackbird Clan Medal Blackbird Clan Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 2 For 60 min. P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +5%, Dark Resistance +50. Blackbird Clan Medal Blackbird Clan Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Trader lvl 1
    Scroll: Reputation,
    Scroll: PK
    Blackbird Clan Medal Blackbird Clan Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Trader lvl 2
    Scroll: Reputation,
    Scroll: PK
    Holy Stone ( 60) Holy Stone ( 60) ,
    Dark Stone ( 60) Dark Stone ( 60)
    Blackbird Clan Medal Blackbird Clan Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Mother Tree Guardians Mother Tree Guardians Envoy Marienne Mother Tree Guardians - quests:
    Request from the Mother Tree Guardians
    Caster Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Caster Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Trader Lvl 1
    Scrolls of Escape Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Trader Lvl 2
    Water Stone ( 60) Water Stone ( 60) ,
    Fire Stone ( 60) Fire Stone ( 60)
    Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Guardian Sculpture Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Def. +3%, M. Def. +3%, Water Resistance +30. Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Guardian Sculpture Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Def. +5%, M. Def. +5%, Water Resistance +50. Mother Tree Guardians Medal Mother Tree Guardians Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Giant Trackers Giant Trackers Envoy Lamunes Giant Trackers Envoy - quests:
    Request from the Giant Trackers
    Caster Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Caster Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Atk. +2%, M. Atk. +3%, Earth Resistance +30. Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +5%, Earth Resistance +50. Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Trader Lvl 1
    Giant's Energy Giant's Energy Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Trader Lvl 2
    Giant's Energy Giant's Energy ,
    Earth Stone ( 60) Earth Stone ( 60) ,
    Wind Stone ( 60) Wind Stone ( 60)
    Giant Trackers Medal Giant Trackers Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Unworldly Visitors Unworldly Visitors Envoy Qyuris Unworldly Visitors - quests:
    Request from the Unworldly Visitors
    Caster Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Caster Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Atk. +2%, M. Atk. +3%, Wind Resistance +30. Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Berserker Sculpture Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +5%, Wind Resistance +50. Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Chef Lvl 1
    Sells Universal Seasoning Universal Seasoning  — 5 pcs.,
    Rotten Royal Fish Soup Rotten Royal Fish Soup
    Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Chef Lvl 2
    Sells Universal Seasoning Universal Seasoning  — 10 pcs.,
    Rotten Royal Fish Soup Rotten Royal Fish Soup
    Unworldly Visitors Medal Unworldly Visitors Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Kingdom's Royal Guard Kingdom's Royal Guard Envoy - James Kingdom's Royal Guard - quests:
    Request from the Kingdom’s Royal Guard
    Caster Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Caster Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 100,000 adena offers 6 Poems, 3 Sonatas, Holy Attack Resistance and (at your choice) Knight's Harmony, Warrior's Harmony or Wizard's Harmony Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Guardian Sculpture Lvl 1 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Def. +3%, M. Def. +3%, Holy Resistance +30. Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Guardian Sculpture Lvl 2 For Adena.jpg 200,000 adena for 60 minutes: P. Def. +5%, M. Def. +5%, Holy Resistance +50. Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena
    Chef Lvl 1
    Sells Universal Seasoning Universal Seasoning  — 5 pcs.,
    Rotten Royal Fish Soup Rotten Royal Fish Soup
    Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 140 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 30,000,000 adena
    Chef Lvl 2
    Sells Universal Seasoning Universal Seasoning  — 10 pcs.,
    Rotten Royal Fish Soup Rotten Royal Fish Soup
    Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal Kingdom's Royal Guard Medal  — 280 pcs. +
    Adena.jpg 60,000,000 adena

    Clan Hall maintenance

    The clan that owns the clan hall must deposit usage fees in the clan warehouse, collected weekly. If the usage fees are not paid, the clan leader receives a message and is given a grace period of one week. If the usage fees are still not paid after that time, the clan hall is repossessed and put up for auction.

    Clan Halls - Related Pages
    Clan Level As your clan level is getting higher, different privileges become available to its members.
    Clan Reputation You need Clan Reputation points to develop your clan to the highest level possible.
    Clan Halls A clan can own a clan hall.
    Clan Wars Take part in clan wars.
    Quests Complete clan quests to get different rewards.
    Clan Specialty Clans can gain passive skills that boost clan members.
    Clan Shop A special clan-exclusive shop where clan members can buy different items for adena and Fame.
    Clan Missions Clan-exclusive quests to get Fame and CRP.
    Throne of Heroes A special instanced zone for clans.

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