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Cronos' Servitor Mumu

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Cronos' Servitor Mumu photo.jpg
Raid Boss
(Raid Bosses - what are they?)

Innadril Territory

NameCronos' Servitor Mumu
Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 34): He sneaked into Innadril where Eva's religion was widely practiced, and caused confusion by threatening the Goddess of Water's followers. The servant of Elder Cronos lives in the Hunters' Village. In order to obtain ingredients for the wonder drug of happiness that Cronos is making, he came to Innadril. After losing himself in daydreams of the world, Mumu forgot why he came here, and hasn't returned to Cronos because he is afraid of being scolded. Spirits: They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings. They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth.
Update date2013-12-27


Mumu's Wizard - 33 lvl.
Mumu's Warrior - 33 lvl.

The servant of Elder Cronos lives in the Hunters Village and snuck into Innadril where Eva's religion was widely practiced and caused confusion by threatening the Goddess of Water's followers. In order to obtain ingredients for the wonder drug of happiness that Cronos is making, he came to Innadril. After losing himself in daydreams of the world, Mumu forgot why he came here, and hasn't returned to Cronos because he is afraid of being scolded.


General Items Cnt Chance
Item 280.jpg Light Crossbow 1 7.065% — 8.651%
Item 438.jpg Sage's Rags 1 3.387% — 4.137%
Other Items Cnt Chance
Item 952.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade) 3 — 9 31.01% — 37.57%
Item 1953.jpg Sage's Rag Lining 105 — 315 7.613% — 9.289%
Item 2054.jpg Light Crossbow Shaft 108 — 324 1.919% — 2.353%
