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Armor Destruction - Tyrr Titan

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Skill 10258.jpgArmor Destruction
Attacks the target with 11159 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical.
Class Tyrr Titan
Type active
Attribute -
Recast time 2 s
Cast time 1.09 s
Cast range 40
Classes with same skill Tyrr Warrior, Tyrr Duelist, Tyrr Dreadnought, Tyrr Titan, Tyrr Grand Khavatari, Tyrr Maestro, Tyrr Doombringer

Awakening Skill Replacement

Learning this skill cancels the skills you've learned before:


Skill 116.jpg Howl
Skill 501.jpg Violent Temper
Skill 362.jpg Armor Crush
Skill 281.jpg Soul Breaker
Skill 920.jpg Power Crush
Skill 1.jpg Triple Slash
Skill 284.jpg Hurricane Assault
Skill 190.jpg Fatal Strike

Briefly about enhancements

Enchanting way Enchanting level Enchant description

Cost +1~+10 + 1 Cost
Duel +1~+10 + 1 Duel
Fire Attack +1~+10 + 1 Fire Attack
Water Attack +1~+10 + 1 Water Attack
Wind Attack +1~+10 + 1 Wind Attack
Earth Attack +1~+10 + 1 Earth Attack
Holy Attack +1~+10 + 1 Holy Attack
Dark Attack +1~+10 + 1 Dark Attack

About skills enchanting

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
85 1 Attacks the target with 11159 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 50 0 10000
87 2 Attacks the target with 11936 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 52 0 60000
89 3 Attacks the target with 12714 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 53 0 100000
91 4 Attacks the target with 13491 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 54 0 400000
93 5 Attacks the target with 14269 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 57 0 440000
95 6 Attacks the target with 15046 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 59 0 1000000
97 7 Attacks the target with 15824 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 60 0 4980000
99 8 Attacks the target with 16601 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. 62 0 5000000

More about improvements

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 1 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 2 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 3 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 4 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 5 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 6 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 7 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 8 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 9 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 10 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 1 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 2 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 3 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 4 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 5 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 6 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 7 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 8 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 9 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 10 Duel Increases Power during PvP.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 1 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 2 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 3 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 4 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 5 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 6 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 7 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 8 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 9 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 10 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 1 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 2 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 3 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 4 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 5 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 6 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 7 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 8 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 9 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 10 Water Attack Increases Water damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 1 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 2 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 3 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 4 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 5 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 6 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 7 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 8 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 9 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 10 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 1 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 2 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 3 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 4 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 5 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 6 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 7 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 8 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 9 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 10 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 1 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 2 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 3 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 4 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 5 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 6 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 7 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 8 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 9 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 10 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks the target with 16990 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 1 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+2 Attacks the target with 17379 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 2 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+3 Attacks the target with 17767 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 3 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+4 Attacks the target with 18156 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 4 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+5 Attacks the target with 18545 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 5 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+6 Attacks the target with 18934 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 6 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+7 Attacks the target with 19322 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 7 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+8 Attacks the target with 19711 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 8 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+9 Attacks the target with 20100 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 9 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+10 Attacks the target with 20489 Power added to P. Atk. Weakens P. Def. and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 10 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
