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Devil's Sway - Feoh Soultaker

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Skill 11095.jpgDevil's Sway
Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, and disarm.
Class Feoh Soultaker
Type debuff
Attribute -
Recast time 300 s
Cast time 3 s
Cast range 1100
Classes with same skill Feoh Wizard, Feoh Archmage, Feoh Soultaker, Feoh Mystic Muse, Feoh Storm Screamer, Feoh Soulhound

Awakening Skill Replacement

Learning this skill cancels the skills you've learned before:


Skill 1156.jpg Forget
Skill 1475.jpg Erase Mark

Briefly about enhancements

Enchanting way Enchanting level Enchant description

Cost +1~+10 + 1 Cost

About skills enchanting

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
85 1 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, and disarm. 190 0 10000

More about improvements

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 1 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+2 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 2 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+3 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 3 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+4 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 4 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+5 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 5 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+6 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 6 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+7 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 7 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+8 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 8 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+9 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 9 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+10 Resets the duration of the target's paralysis, hold, silence, sleep, shock, fear, petrification, transformation, and disarm. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 10 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
