Doll Blader (transformation)

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Мстительная Кукла (трансформация).jpg

How to obtain

Transformation with no time limits:

Time-limited transformation:

Transformation skills

Name Desctiption
Characterictics STR 88, DEX 55, CON 82, INT 39, WIT 39, MEN 38
Doll Blader Sting Causes injury by deadly attacks. Momentarily causes the enemies to bleed. Over-hit is possible. Power 1193. Effect 3.
Doll Blader Throwing Knife Throw a dagger to attack enemy in the distance. Over-hit is possible. Power 4769.
Doll Blader Clairvoyance Temporarily increase the probability of Critical Damage. Effect 3.

Doll Blader (transformation) – Related Pages
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