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Invoke - Wynn Elemental Master

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Skill 11263.jpgInvoke
Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 147 power.
Class Wynn Elemental Master
Type active
Attribute -
Recast time 15 s
Cast time 2.56 s
Cast range 600
Classes with same skill Wynn Summoner, Wynn Arcana Lord, Wynn Elemental Master, Wynn Spectral Master

Briefly about enhancements

Enchanting way Enchanting level Enchant description

Cost +1~+10 + 1 Cost
Duel +1~+10 + 1 Duel
Fire Attack +1~+10 + 1 Fire Attack
Water Attack +1~+10 + 1 Water Attack
Wind Attack +1~+10 + 1 Wind Attack
Earth Attack +1~+10 + 1 Earth Attack
Holy Attack +1~+10 + 1 Holy Attack
Dark Attack +1~+10 + 1 Dark Attack

About skills enchanting

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
87 1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 147 power. 227 0 60000
89 2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 151 power. 236 0 100000
91 3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 156 power. 245 0 400000
93 4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 160 power. 255 0 440000
95 5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 164 power. 265 0 1000000
97 6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 168 power. 276 0 4980000
99 7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 172 power. 286 0 5000000

More about improvements

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 1 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 2 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 3 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 4 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 5 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 6 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 7 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 8 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 9 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 10 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 1 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 2 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 3 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 4 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 5 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 6 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 7 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 8 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 9 Duel Increases Power during PvP.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Duel: Increases PvP Power. + 10 Duel Increases Power during PvP.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 1 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 2 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 3 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 4 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 5 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 6 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 7 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 8 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 9 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Fire Attack: Bestows fire attribute. + 10 Fire Attack Increases Fire attribute.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 1 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 2 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 3 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 4 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 5 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 6 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 7 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 8 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 9 Water Attack Increases Water damage.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Water Attack: Bestows water attribute. + 10 Water Attack Increases Water damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 1 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 2 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 3 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 4 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 5 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 6 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 7 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 8 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 9 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Wind Attack: Bestows wind attribute. + 10 Wind Attack Increases Wind damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 1 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 2 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 3 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 4 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 5 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 6 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 7 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 8 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 9 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Earth Attack: Bestows earth attribute. + 10 Earth Attack Increases Earth damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 1 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 2 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 3 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 4 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 5 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 6 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 7 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 8 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 9 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Holy Attack: Bestows holy attribute. + 10 Holy Attack Increases Holy damage.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 380 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 1 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+2 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 386 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 2 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+3 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 391 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 3 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+4 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 397 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 4 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+5 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 402 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 5 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+6 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 408 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 6 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+7 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 413 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 7 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+8 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 419 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 8 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+9 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 424 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 9 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
+10 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to inflict powerful damage on the target and nearby enemies with 430 power. Enchant Dark Attack: Bestows darkness attribute. + 10 Dark Attack Increases dark damage.
