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Phoenix Arrow - Yul Moonlight Sentinel

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Skill 10781.jpgPhoenix Arrow
Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 45215 power.
Class Yul Moonlight Sentinel
Type active
Attribute -
Recast time 30 s
Cast time 7.5 s
Cast range 1100
Classes with same skill Yul Archer, Yul Sagittarius, Yul Moonlight Sentinel, Yul Ghost Sentinel, Yul Trickster

Briefly about enhancements

Enchanting way Enchanting level Enchant description

Cost +1~+10 + 1 Cost
Duel +1~+10 +1 Duel

About skills enchanting

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
95 1 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 45215 power. 1067 0 1000000

More about improvements

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Attacks a target within a designated area with 46273 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 1 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+2 Attacks a target within a designated area with 47330 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 2 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+3 Attacks a target within a designated area with 48388 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 3 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+4 Attacks a target within a designated area with 49445 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 4 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+5 Attacks a target within a designated area with 50503 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 5 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+6 Attacks a target within a designated area with 51560 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 6 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+7 Attacks a target within a designated area with 52618 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 7 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+8 Attacks a target within a designated area with 53677 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 8 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+9 Attacks a target within a designated area with 54733 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 9 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.
+10 Attacks a target within a designated area with 55792 Power. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP Consumption. + 10 Cost Decreases MP Consumption.

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +1 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+2 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +2 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+3 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +3 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+4 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +4 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+5 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +5 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+6 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +6 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+7 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +7 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+8 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +8 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+9 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +9 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
+10 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 140000 power added to P. Atk. Enchant Duel: Increases PVP Power. +10 Duel Increases Power during PVP.
