Seekers of the Holy Grail

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Seekers of the Holy Grail
Level: 73 - 80
Quest type Party QuestRepeatable quest
Restrictions: complete Through the Gate Once More quest
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Rune Township / Rune Territory
Start NPC Innocentin
Reward A random reward:
Adena.jpg 3,576,000 adena
Item 959.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
Item 960.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)

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Talk to High Priest Innocentin in the School of Magic in Rune Township.


  1. Go to the Temple of Pagans, kill any mobs and collect Item 8068.jpg Pagan Totem — 2000 items .


  2. Talk to High Priest Innocentin in the School of Magic in Rune Township and get a random reward for each Item 8068.jpg Pagan Totem — 2000 items


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