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Spirit of the Hunter - Tyrr Titan

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Skill 10296.jpgSpirit of the Hunter
For 30 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%.
Class Tyrr Titan
Type buff
Attribute -
Recast time 30 s
Cast time 2 s
Cast range 0
Classes with same skill Tyrr Warrior, Tyrr Duelist, Tyrr Dreadnought, Tyrr Titan, Tyrr Grand Khavatari, Tyrr Maestro, Tyrr Doombringer

Awakening Skill Replacement

Learning this skill cancels the skills you've learned before:


Skill 359.jpg Eye of Hunter
Skill 87.jpg Detect Animal Weakness
Skill 104.jpg Detect Plant Weakness

Briefly about enhancements

Enchanting way Enchanting level Enchant description

Time +1~+10 + 1 Time

About skills enchanting

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
85 1 For 30 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. 38 0 10000

More about improvements

Level Description Modification Prop.

+1 For 32 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 1 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+2 For 34 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 2 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+3 For 36 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 3 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+4 For 38 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 4 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+5 For 40 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 5 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+6 For 42 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 6 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+7 For 44 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 7 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+8 For 46 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 8 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+9 For 48 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 9 Time Increases the effect's duration.
+10 For 50 minutes, increases damage against insects/plants/animals + 10%. Enchant Time: Increases duration. + 10 Time Increases the effect's duration.
