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Unidentified Arm Breaker

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Item 31832.jpg
Grade D.gifUnidentified Arm Breaker
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Reinforced Longbow conversion, Unidentified Arm Breaker. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon / crossbow)
Weight: 0

When identifying the item, it turns into one of the following items:

Item 30886.jpg Bound Arm Breaker
Item 9224.jpg Arm Breaker

Unidentified Arm Breaker - Related Pages
Items Armor Sets | Common Items | Weapon | Armor | PvP Items | Accessories | Rare Items | Head Accessories | Belts | Cloaks | Bracelets | Talismans | Life Crystals