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Escort's Supply Box

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Item 36394.jpg
Grade NG.gifEscort's Supply Box
Small reward received for killing those who resurrected and returned with Travis. Double-click to use it. Cannot be exchanged/dropped/destroyed/sold in a private store/the Olympiad. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
Weight: 10
Durability: -

Can be obtained for the following quest:
Quest Levels Start NPC Restrictions

The Fallen King's Men 97 Aden Vanguard Quartermaster No Requirements

When you open the box you can get one of the following items:

Item 9550.jpg Dark Stone
Item 9548.jpg Earth Stone
Item 9546.jpg Fire Stone
Item 9551.jpg Holy Stone
Item 9547.jpg Water Stone
Item 9549.jpg Wind Stone

Escort's Supply Box - Related Pages
Items Armor Sets | Common Items | Weapon | Armor | PvP Items | Accessories | Rare Items | Head Accessories | Belts | Cloaks | Bracelets | Talismans | Life Crystals