The Fallen King's Men

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The Fallen King's Men
Level: 97+
Quest type Soloing QuestDaily quest
Restrictions: None
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Cemetery / Aden Territory
Start NPC Quartermaster
Reward See description

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  1. Talk to the Aden Vanguard Quartermaster.


  2. Go to the Cemetery, kill the following mobs: Aden Raider, Chief Quartermaster, Chief Magician, Royal Guard, Personal Magician, Royal Knight, Commander of Operations, Operations Chief of the 7th Division, Royal Quartermaster, Escort, Operations Manager, Royal Guard Captain, until you’ve collected Mark of Travis Mark of Travis  — 50 items (mandatory), Returner's Soul Returner's Soul  — up to 1200 items.


  3. Talk to the Aden Vanguard Quartermaster and get Escort's Supply Box Escort's Supply Box and energy depending on how many Returner's Soul Returner's Soul you’ve collected (at least100).


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