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Wyvern is the last stage of Hatchlings evolution. To use a Wyvern, your clan needs to own a castle, a fortress or a conquerable hall and you need to have a Strider lvl 55.

How to use a Wyvern

  • If a lord wants to use a Wyvern, they need to talk to a Wyvern Manager, on the territory of a castle/fortress/hall.
  • To summon a Wyvern, a lord needs to mount a Striderduring their talk to a Wyvern Manager and have the necessary amount of crystals Grade В (25).
  • Just like other pets, Wyverns need food to survive and act properly. If you don’t feed your Wyverns, sooner or later it’ll disappear, and its master will be teleported to the closest township.
  • When a Wyvern is summoned, your character’s weapon is taken off and doesn’t influence Wyvern’s skills in any way.
  • When riding a Wyvern, a lord cannot pick up items or use their own skills.
  • When a lord unmounts, their Wyvern disappears. If a character is too high above, they cannot unsummon their Wyvern. They can’t also travel using their Wyvern to some unique places, like the top floor of Insolence Tower.
  • If the title of castle lord moves to other owner, while the previous lord is mounted on a Wyvern, then the pet is unsummoned by force.
  • When you’re mounted, you can use a unique skill - Wyvern Breath.

To mount a Wyvern, you need to be the leader of a clan owning:

Castles Gludio Castle, Dion Castle, Giran Castle, Oren Castle,
Innadril Castle, Aden Castle, Goddard Castle, Rune Castle, Schuttgart Castle
Conquerable Halls Devastated Castle, Fortress of the Dead
Fortresses All fortresses
Clan Halls Clan Halls in Aden.

Wyvern skills

When a character rides a Wyvern, they can use Wyvern Breath skill. It can be used during sieges only. Damage from Wyvern Breath depends on the level of the Wyvern.

Wyvern lvl Power of the skill
lvl 55 191
lvl 60 220
lvl 65 249
lvl 70 277
lvl 75 301



Wyvern - Related Pages
Hatchling: Hatchling’s characteristics, its skills and the master’s amount consumed depend on its type: Wind, Stars, or Twilight. To obtain a Hatchling, you need to complete Little Wing quest.
Strider: Once your Hatchling is lvl55, you can turn it into a Strider, if you complete Little Wing's Big Adventure quest. |Strider’s characteristics, its skills and the master’s amount consumed depend on its type: Wind, Stars, or Twilight.
Red Strider: Players belonging to a clan owning Halls in Town of Aden and Rune Township can turn their Striders into Red Striders.
Guardian's Strider: Added in Gracia Plus update, can be purchased for 80 Territory Badges from a Mercenary Captain. This is a dragon with powerful defense, and its Phys. Atk. is equal to Wind Strider's.
Wyvern: Final step in Dragon evolution. Owners of certain Halls can use Wyverns. To do this, they need to bring a Strider lvl 55 to a Wyvern Manager.
Dragons' Equip: You can purchase weapon and armor for dragons from a Pet Manager.