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Dragons' Equipment

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Hatchlings and Dragons can use special equipment. There are no grades for such equipment. You need to move the equipment to your pet’s inventory and double-click it to use.


List of the available equipment

Weapon for Hatchlings

Item P. Atk. M. Atk. Sellers Base Price

Укус Змеи.jpg Viperbite
9 10 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 155000
Клык Тени.jpg Shadow Fang
10 11 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 210000
Клык Алии.jpg Alya Fang
12 13 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 285000
Мучитель.jpg Torturer
13 16 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 380000
Змеиные Клыки.jpg Serpentine Grinder
19 24 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1150000
Клык Дахака.jpg Fang of Dahak
21 27 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1700000
Алый Окровавленный Клык.jpg Crimson Blood Fang
23 30 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2510000
Драконий Колун.jpg Draconic Chopper
25 34 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 3650000
Дьявольские Клыки.jpg Diabolic Grinder
27 37 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 5000000

Weapon for Striders

Item P. Atk. M. Atk. Sellers Base Price

Змеевидный Шип.jpg Serpentine Spike
17 21 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 800000
Рог Дрейка.jpg Drake Horn
19 24 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1150000
Свирепый Вид.jpg Assault Alicorn
21 27 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1700000
Резак Дракона.jpg Draconic Slicer
23 30 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2450000
Пика Офдиана.jpg Ohpdian Lance
25 34 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 3650000
Алмазный Рог.jpg Diamond Drill
27 37 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 5000000

Armor for Hatchlings

Item P. Def. M. Def. Sellers Base Price

Чешуйчатая Броня Дракончика.jpg Hatchling's Scale Mail
29 29 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 86000
Панцирь Дракончика.jpg Hatchling's Brigandine
31 31 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 113000
Бронзовое Седло Дракончика.jpg Hatchling's Bronze Coat
33 33 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 145500
Стальное Седло Дракончика.jpg Hatchling's Steel Coat
36 36 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 186000
Горгоновое Седло.jpg Hatchling's Gorgon Coat
44 44 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 598500
Змеиное Седло.jpg Hatchling's Ophidian Plate
46 46 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 928500
Алое Седло.jpg Hatchling's Crimson Plate
49 49 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1335500
Драконье Седло.jpg Hatchling's Draconic Plate
52 52 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2032000
Седло Инферно.jpg Hatchling's Inferno Plate
54 54 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2784000

Armor for Striders

Item P. Def. M. Def. Sellers Base Price

Мифриловое Седло.jpg Mithril Panzer Coat
41 41 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 412500
Кольчужное Седло.jpg Brigadine Panzer Coat
44 44 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 598500
Панцирное Седло.jpg Draconic Panzer Coat
46 46 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 928500
Кровавое Седло.jpg Blood Panzer Coat
49 49 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1335500
Змеиное Седло.jpg Ophidian Panzer Coat
52 52 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2032000
Седло Инферно.jpg Inferno Panzer Coat
54 54 Annette, Cooper, Woods, Rood, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2784000

Accessories for Dragons

Item M. Def. Seller Base Price

Кулон с Кристаллом.jpg Crystal Pendant
22 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 1932
Кулон с Рубином.jpg Ruby Pendant
30 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 10090
Кулон с Сапфиром.jpg Sapphire Pendant
40 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 31948
Кулон с Бриллиантом.jpg Diamond Pendant
52 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 78374
Кулон с Энрией.jpg Enria Pendant
66 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 231416
Кулон с Тонсом.jpg Thons Pendant
80 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 828490
Кулон с Азофом.jpg Asofe Pendant
94 Annette, Lundy, Martin, Cooper, Waters, Woods, Nelson, Rood, Lemper, Joey, Saroyan Item 57.jpg 2582800

Dragons' Equipment - Related Pages
Dragons Type Description
Дракончик 2.jpg Hatchling Hatchling’s characteristics, its skills and the master’s amount consumed depend on its type: Wind, Stars, or Twilight. To obtain a Hatchling, you need to complete Little Wing quest.
Ездовой Дракон 2.jpg Strider Once your Hatchling is lvl55, you can turn it into a Strider, if you complete Little Wing's Big Adventure quest. |Strider’s characteristics, its skills and the master’s amount consumed depend on its type: Wind, Stars, or Twilight.
Красный Дракон 2.jpg Red Strider Players belonging to a clan owning Halls in Town of Aden and Rune Township can turn their Striders into Red Striders.
Ездовой Дракон Хранителя 2.jpg Guardian's Strider Added in Gracia Plus update, can be purchased for 80 Territory Badges from a Mercenary Captain. This is a dragon with powerful defense, and its Phys. Atk. is equal to Wind Strider's.
Виверна 2.jpg Wyvern Final step in Dragon evolution. Owners of certain Halls can use Wyverns. To do this, they need to bring a Strider lvl 55 to a Wyvern Manager.
Специалист по питомцам 2.jpg Dragons' Equipment You can purchase weapon and armor for dragons from a Pet Manager.