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Shiny Cube Fragment Weapon (S-grade)

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Item 21105.jpg
Grade NG.gifShiny Cube Fragment Weapon (S-grade)
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an S-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Weight: 0
Durability: -

This item can be obtained by double-clicking the following items:

Item Description

Item 10632.jpg
Grade NG.gif Wondrous Cubic Double-click to create a cube fragment that can be exchanged for a weapon/armor enchant scroll. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. (Can only be used once per day.)
Item 21106.jpg
Grade NG.gif Wondrous Cubic - 1 time use Double-click to create a cube fragment that can be exchanged for a weapon/armor enchant scroll. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. (Disappears after 1 time use.)

Related pages:

You can get at the opening by double-clicking on item:

Item 10632.jpg Wondrous Cubic

Shiny Cube Fragment Weapon (S-grade) - Related Pages
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