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Bound Great Sword

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Item 31531.jpg
Grade B.gifBound Great Sword
Type - Sword / 2-h.
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, P. Critical Damage or Focus.
Weight: 1930
Durability: -
P. Atk.: 213
M. Atk.: 91
Soulshots Consume: 1
Spiritshots Consume: 1
MP Consume: 0
Crystallization: Item 1460.jpg Crystal (B-Grade) - 37
Grade: B
Attention! In its pure form is Bound Weapon does not exist, in recognition, it immediately becomes one of the special properties:

Health Reverted item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Max HP by 25%.

Critical Damage Reverted item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

<Soul Crystal Enhancement> P. Atk. + 247 during a Critical Attack.

Focus Reverted item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Critical by 68.

Bound Great Sword Item Photo

This item can be obtained by identifying an unidentified item Item 32164.jpg Unidentified Great Sword

Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench. Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench.
+0 37 +12 1444 1425
+1 104 +13 1578 1559
+2 171 +14 1712 1693
+3 238 219 +15 1846 1827
+4 372 353 +16 1980 1961
+5 506 487 +17 2114 2095
+6 640 621 +18 2248 2229
+7 774 755 +19 2382 2363
+8 908 889 +20 2516 2497
+9 1042 1023 +21 2650 2631
+10 1176 1157 +22 2784 2765
+11 1310 1291 +23 2918 2899

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