The Name of Evil - 1

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The Name of Evil - 1
Level: 76+
Quest type Soloing QuestOnetime quest
Restrictions: None
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Primeval Island / Rune Territory
Start NPC Mushika
Reward Item 15623.jpg 898,056
Item 15624.jpg 215
Info To begin this quest, you need to complete Meeting the Elroki quest first.

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Talk to Mushika on the Primeval Island.


  1. Talk to Mushika once again.


  2. Talk to Karakawei on the Primeval Island.


  3. Go to the Primeval Plains or to the Lost Nest, kill Ornithomimus and Deinonychus mobs, until you’ve got Item 8780.jpg Deinonychus Bone Fragment — 2 items and Item 8770.jpg Ornithomimus Claw — 2 items .


  1. Talk to Karakawei on the Primeval Island.


  2. Talk to Ulu Kaimu on the Primeval Island, when the dialog appears, enter by letters: t e p u.


  1. Talk to Balu Kaimu on the Primeval Island, when the dialog appears, enter by letters: t o o n. In the next dialogue choose "Ask for insight about the item that you received from Chief Mushika", then "Ask if there are other Kaimus with whom you might communicate", then "Please tell me where he is and how can I awaken him".


  2. Talk to Chuta Kaimu on the Primeval Island, when the dialog appears, enter by letters: w a g u. In the following dialogue choose "Show Chuta Kaimu the relic you received from Mushika", then "Wait", then "Show Mushika’s relic to Chuta Kaimu"


  3. Talk to Mushika on the Primeval Island and get the reward and access to the following quest: The Name of Evil - 2.


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