Top-grade Life Stone (R95-grade)

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Item 18571.jpg
Grade NG.gifTop-grade Life Stone (R95-grade)
Top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
Weight: 2
Durability: -

Crafter must learn the alchemy skill Skill 17938.jpg Mid-grade Life Stone (R95-grade) level 1.
Alchemy skills are available to the Ertheia race.
Skill learning at level 95
Number of items crafted: 1

If craft fails, you'll get Item 18570.jpg High-grade Life Stone (R95-grade)  — 1 pcs.

Item 22632.jpg
Grade NG.gifTop-grade Life Stone (R95-grade)
Premium user exclusive item Top-grade mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are above level 95.
Weight: 2
Durability: -

You can get at the opening by double-clicking on item:
Item 23387.jpg Blessed Griffin Egg
Item 22649.jpg Blessed Three-headed Dragon's Egg
See also:
Top-grade Life Stone (R95-grade) - Related Pages
Items: Armor SetsCommon ItemsWeaponArmorPvP ItemsAccessoriesRare ItemsHead AccessoriesBeltsCloaksBraceletsTalismansLife Crystals

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